Recycling and reactivation of calcium compounds (Ca⁺⁺) during the purification process of raw juice in the production of white sugar.

"Unique and innovative system for effective raw juice purification, sustainable development and environmental protection!"

Process of White Sugar Production

RECLIME recycling and reactivation of calcium compounds (Ca⁺⁺) takes place during the purification process of raw juice in the production of white sugar.


RECLIME Recycling Unit

Unique and innovative system for effective raw juice purification, sustainable development and environmental protection!

The RECLIME® system achieves a high effect of juice purification by the method of progressive recycling and reactivation of lime compounds (Ca⁺⁺). It decreases the consumption of lime (CaO) to an amount of 0.4 - 0.8 % per beet. It supplies the purification process with the optimum amount, composition and adsorption capacity of the used lime compounds (Ca⁺⁺). At the same time, it achieves an increased sedimentation rate of carbonation precipitates and improved filterability of turbid sugar juices.

b e n e f i t s

Advantages and Benefits of the RECLIME System

  • Reduced raw limestone and coke consumption by up to 60%;

  • Reduced milk of lime consumption by up to 60%;

  • Reduced levels of filtration cake discharge by up to 60%;

  • Reduced number of filter press cycles required by up to 60%;

  • Reduced loss of sugar in the filtration cake (carbonation sludge) by up to 60%;

  • Reduced amount of added water used for filtration cake (carbonation sludge), desweetening and lime (Ca) slaking in the lime slaker by up to 60%;

  • Reduced energy consumption for thin juice evaporation by up to 5%;

  • Reduced carbon dioxide (CO₂) emissions by up to 10%;

  • Accelerated sedimentation of the first carbonation juice inside the clarifier and improved filtration;

  • Reduced electric power consumption needed for pumping the materials due to reduced flows in juice purification;

  • Reduced wear and load of the technology equipment, especially in the lime kiln, lime slaking, and carbon dioxide (CO₂) pumps;

  • Reduced investment costs for a lime kiln and the equipment for the production of lime milk when building a new sugar factory or when expanding it;

  • Increased sugar factory competitiveness thanks to savings in production costs.

E N V I R O N M E N T A L   I M P A C T

We protect the environment by lowering CO₂ emissions and the demand for the transport of raw materials!

The reduction in carbon dioxide (CO₂) emissions and the demand for transportation of raw materials is significant! In comparison to the usual consumption of lime (CaO) in juice purification of 1.2 to 2.5% per beet for every 1,000 tons of processed beet, the reduction of CO₂ emissions ranges from about 4.2 to 11.5 tons. Additionally, there is a decrease in the demand for transportation of raw materials (limestone, coke) and waste carbonation sludge, from approximately 30.8 to 84.3 tons.

As a result of the RECLIME system implementation, a sugar factory with an annual production of 100,000 tons of sugar emits approximately 2,800 to 7,700 tons less of harmful carbon dioxide (CO₂) and reduces its raw material transportation demands by 20,700 to 56,900 tons.


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FUTURECYCLING Technology a.s. 
Office: Vědeckotechnický park ÚPOL
Šlechtitelů 21, 783 71 Olomouc - Holice 
Czech Republic

+420 608 896 049